Friday, July 6, 2007

Lucky Sevens

Happy belated 4th of July, everyone! I was at work, but hear it rained a little bit up here in CT. I always kind of liked the fact that we celebrate the day the Declaration of Independence was signed- all the signers hoping that in so doing they could make a better world for themselves and subsequent generations. It started off a little rocky, what with the Revolutionary War and all, but I'd like to think that's really an example of humanity at its best- looking at what could be instead of only what was. And it's kind of inspiring, if a handful of people could alter history that much, then I'd like to think there's hope for all of us. If I've learned anything, it's that if you don't succeed, either you're doing something wrong, or you need to keep working at it. If it's something worth fighting for, you may have to do just that. The 14th of July, in little over a week, is Bastille Day in France- I'm not actually from France, but it's kind of the same thing we have. It was the day when all the political prisoners were released from the Bastille prison- in other words, the beginning of the end for the French monarchy. And this too is a celebration of freedoms- how people envisioned and worked for a better world. And, entirely coincidentally, it's also the day I proposed to my wife. Talk about envisioning a better world! We may not have it down perfect, but we have each other. (I'm going to need fillings after writing this...) It's not freeing prisoners or inciting revolution, but it's pretty good too. All that gets done too- so go to Amnesty International, and help them out too. Don't worry, I'll still be here when you get back.

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